Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365

Learn why Google Workspace is the modern, innovative and agile alternative to Microsoft 365. Download eBook.

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace Comparison

Microsoft 365Google workspace
Feature HeavyClean Interface
Familiar InterfaceReal-Time Collaboration
Desktop Apps3rd Party Integration

In the past, office productivity software solutions were limited to desktop applications that were accessible only from a single computer. Now that mobility and cloud computing have dramatically changed people’s homes and workplaces, enterprises are moving towards software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. Microsoft Office transitioned into a subscription-based Office 365 (recently renamed Microsoft 365) in 2011, and Google released the cloud-native Google apps in 2006, which is now called Google Workspace, and used by over 6 million businesses around the world.

At first glance, Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 might look quite similar, but their design and functionality have major differences. This ebook examines these differences and, through feature comparisons and feedback from customers that have switched to Google Cloud, show why Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is the better choice for organizations that are looking to increase employee productivity, efficiency, and collaboration

Contact us for a no cost consultation to learn more about our G-Suite consulting Services and the Google Workspace courses we offer.

eBook: Key differences between Google Workspace & Microsoft 365

Office 365 vs gsuite

Evaluating Google Workspace vs. Microsoft 365? Download the eBook to learn more about the major points you should consider before making a decision.


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