Institut Allergosan resolves their Office 356 Outlook issues

Geek Team assisted a pharmaceutical company with Microsoft Office 365, Outlook email issues and Windows 10.

Institut Allergosan working on Office 365, Outlook and Windows 10

Case Study: Microsoft Outlook for Pharmaceuticals

Geek Team assisted Institut Allergosan with Microsoft Outlook and Windows 10.


Remote working and Collaboration
Microsoft Outlook email, Office 365
Microsoft Windows

Pharmaceutical company using Office 365 and Outlook at work.


Microsoft Office 365 and Outlook email is now running smoothly on all affected computers at Insitut Allergosan and their Windows computers are working more efficiently.

Institut AllergoSan

The challenge

Dominik the IT manager at Institut Allergosan needed a solution concerning an Outlook problem, which they were facing for over three months. A few employees where receiving empty emails with no content (just \”White Mails\”). They have been facing this issue for several months. The problem was only occurring in the outlook client (365 office), on the phone or Webmail, for instance, the mail was being shown with content. The problem was emerging by random employees and they were not able to find a clear pattern, but they assumed the issue was outgoing from a user and they tried multiple solution approached but were not able to resolve the issue.

The solution

The Geek Team, provided a solution that successfully resolved the issue on all the affected computers at Institut Allergosan.

About Institut Allergosan

Institut Allergosan with its headquarters in Graz (Austria) was founded in January 1991. For 25 years now it has been involved in the research and development of products made of natural substances such as probiotic bacteria, plant extracts and minerals.

About the Geek Team


Our consultant at the Geek Team is Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.

Our Microsoft 365 and Outlook support team is available Monday to Friday from 9AM to 4PM. Contact us for a free no cost consultation.

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